====== Create a Microblaze Core ====== ---- ===== 1. Create workspace ===== Create a workspace of microblaze. * Run XPS(Xilinx Platform Studio), [Create New Project Using Base System Builder] * Setup project Project File: E:\MicroBlaze\ProcessorForLx25\Demo\cpu.xmp Select an Interconnect Typpe: PLB System Board: I would like to create a system for a custom board spartan6 xc6slx25 ftg256 -2 Single-Processor System Reference Clock Frequency: 50 MHz System Clock Frequency: 50 MHz Add Device... UART -> Baud Rate 115200 GPIO -> GPIO Data Width: 1 * System Summary LEDS 0x81400000 0x8140FFFF RS232 0x84000000 0x8400FFFF ...... ===== 2. Modify Core ===== * Modify Clock module according to board parameters Set Clock... For module: clock_generator_0: CLKIN:24576000 CLKOUT0:49152000 Set RS232 Baund Rate... For module RS232: UART Lite Baud Rate : 115200 * Modify Port names ## At [Ports] tab -> [External Ports] Section Alterate Port Names to: clk rst_n led uart_tx uart_rx ...... Modify the cpu.ucf if necessary. ===== 3. Generate Netlist ===== * Set Design language to Verilog On main menu, click [Project] -> [Project Options] -> [Design Flow] \\ Set HLD as Verilog * To Generate On main menu, click [Hardware] -> [Generate Netlist] to run the process. After a few minutes, you will get the follow if there is no error. Total run time: 165.00 seconds "Running synthesis..." cd synthesis & synthesis.cmd "xst -ifn "system_xst.scr" -intstyle silent" "Running XST synthesis ..." PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file with local file "XST completed" Done! ===== 4. FAQ ===== 1. 硬件修改(XPS)后更新FPGA设计 \\ 在XPS中,[Generate Netlist] 2. 硬件修改(XPS)后跟新SDK 在XPS中,[Export Design] 在SDK中,修改system.mss